We EPOCA Marketing believe in quality recruiting. Quality recruiting is key to quality interviews. And to do that, it all boils down to building trust with the physicians and other medical professionals who kindly participate in our panels. To make sure our panel members are satisfied with how we do in our survey project, we have personnel dedicated to listening to their needs and also complaints on a daily basis.
We keep record of all of our panel members’ comments and circulate them in our office (anonymously, of course) so that everyone can respond to their needs when they come into cooperate with us in our projects. This is the only way to keep up a good relationship, we believe. And this is why, as we believe, we have quite a good panel of medical professionals.
Here are some episodes of just how cooperative some physicians were in our past projects. Once they make a commitment to come in, they will make sure to come in to be interviewed. We are so grateful for the relationship we have built with these physicians. These are all real stories.