EPOCA Marketing


Our Services
Project Flow

Our quantitative and qualitative research (including projects combining both methodologies) begin by formulating the optimal project plan including appropriate sample sizes.

  • Information gathering and research objectives

    Information gathering and research objectives

    We start by consulting our clients about the issues they face and work together to clarify the necessary data and research objectives to address those issues.

  • Formulation of research plan

    Formulation of research plan

    After the research concept starts to take shape, we formulate our proposal based on the objectives, with details such as questionnaires, methodologies (qualitative/quantitative), target respondents, schedule, etc.

  • Fieldwork


    In our fieldwork process, we prioritize attention to detail, speed and flexibility, which are reflected in the quality of our research projects.

  • Data analysis and report drafting

    Data analysis and report drafting

    The project leader works with the analysis team to carefully examine and evaluate the raw data.

  • 調査報告書のご提出

    Delivery of research report

    The research results are presented in our final report.

Research Methodologies

Qualitative Research

When you don't even know where to start digging, the best way may be to go ask an expert. In pharmaceutical issues, when the picture is rather vague and misty, we suggest conducting a qualitative survey first - to clarify what the issue is. Qualitative research helps answer questions that are hard to grasp with numerical data, and is often used to test visuals, observe handling of medical devices, etc. In Japan, one-on-one interviews are the dominant methodology, unless the purpose of the research can benefit from the very specific requirements of group discussion.

Quantitative Research

Qualitative surveys and interviews produce a fine-tuned "hypothesis," now ready to be verified in the quantitative stage of research.
Most of our quantitative research is currently conducted via web surveys, with postal mail used for certain projects.